Carer Support

ermha365 has a longstanding commitment to supporting carers.

Our organisation was founded by carers, who established an op shop to raise funds for much-needed carer services. ermha365 supports carers to ‘put themselves first’ with self-care strategies, peer support, education, information and social groups.

You may be a carer if you are looking after someone with disability, mental illness, dementia, a long-term health condition, an illness that will cause their death, an alcohol or drug problem, or someone who is frail because they are older.

A caring role has a deep effect on families, which has always been a focus for ermha365. Anyone can be a carer, but many people don’t see themselves as carers. They are just children, parents, partners, relatives or friends who care for someone close to them.

We offer Carer Support at ermha365

Carer Support enables carers to take a break from their carer responsibilities to meet their own needs. This might include but is not limited to, relaxation, activities, strengthen or building relationships, have a focus on health and fitness, building new skills or study. Planning for regular breaks can help to avoid the build-up of stress and improve wellbeing.

Support activities are developed for and with our carers to meet their needs. Our focus is on peer support and group work offering a range of activities via tele-health (phone and/or video chat via zoom) and face to face where possible. Activities are available for carers, the person they are caring for and families to access together.

Please download and fill in the referral form (choose PDF or Word).
Save and email form to
Or print out and post to:
ermha365, 1st Floor Building G, 45 Assembly Drive, Dandenong South, VIC 3175

To learn more or get involved in our Carer Support program at ermha365, send us an email at or give us a call on 1300 376 421.

In recognition of the valuable support that carers provide, Carer Gateway also provides help and advice, respite and financial support to carers.