Mental Health Support in the Community
ermha365 provides mental health support services to people living with a mental illness in the south eastern region of Melbourne. We assist people with practical help and strategies for daily living: at home, work or study, and in the community. These supports are intended to address the needs of those not currently eligible for the NDIS.

What types of support are available?
Psychosocial supports are specific to the person and their needs. These can include:
– Daily living support
– Connecting with your community
– Emotional support
– Improving mental wellbeing and physical health
– Improving family relationships
– Managing money
– Support with drugs, alcohol, and smoking issues
– Housing services
– Developing work goals and accessing employment services
– Access to education and vocational training.
Who is eligible?
Individuals living with a mental illness in the south eastern region of Melbourne, who are:
– not currently accessing support under the NDIS
– expected to benefit from the provision of psychosocial supports
– not accessing community managed mental health services and/or EIPSR.
Who can I talk to about getting support?
You can call the CPS Team on 1300 376 421, who will tell you more about the services. They can also help with referrals. Your GP and other clinicians, family and friends, or other workers can also call on your behalf.

Referrals can be made by downloading and completing the referral form, or by contacting the SEMPHN Access & Referral Team on 1800 862 363.
When completed, referral forms can be uploaded here to the Access & Referral (A&R) team.
If you have difficulties with getting a referral, please phone the ermha365 CPS Team on 1300 376 421, or email
This service is supported by funding from South Eastern Melbourne Primary Health Network through the Australian Government’s PHN Program.