24 July 2023

As a member of a network of 2,450 organisations with Reconciliation Action Plans (RAPs) impacting 4 million Australians each day, our RAP commitment at ermha365 demonstrates our unwavering support of a reconciled future for our nation.
We have been on the journey of reconciliation for many years. Our organisation is stronger because we have listened to the voices of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples. Recognition and voice have been at the heart of the reconciliation movement for decades.
Reconciliation Australia and many of its RAP organisations have accepted the invitation in the Uluru Statement from the Heart. ermha365 committed to the principles of voice, treaty, and truth well before 2023. That commitment remains strong and will endure. Reconciliation is founded on respectful relationships.
Along with Reconciliation Australia and its RAP organisations ermha365 supports a Voice to Parliament and a “yes” vote in the Referendum.
As a provider of complex mental health and psychosocial disability support, ermha365’s work is based around supporting people to improve their quality of life and reach their personal potential. The people we work with tell us that they have experienced stigma and discrimination, and have been excluded from the simple things that many Australian’s take for granted.
We believe that the Voice- to Parliament is important for self-determination for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Peoples, in particular to improve mental health and wellbeing outcomes and provide a meaningful and lasting pathway to help inform policy and legal decisions that impact their lives.
We urge all Australians to engage thoughtfully and respectfully as they educate themselves and others about this important opportunity to make our nation a stronger, fairer, better place for all.